Sober living

Understanding the California Community Care Licensing for Sober Homes

Ensuring your facility is licensed when necessary not only protects you from legal and financial risks but also demonstrates your commitment to providing a safe, supportive environment for residents. For this reason, you need to make sure that your sober living home doesn’t offer any services that can be interpreted as addiction treatment services. Within […]

Understanding the California Community Care Licensing for Sober Homes Read More »

What Are Living Amends? And How Do You Make Them? Cake Blog Cake: Create a Free End of Life Plan

Other individuals who have completed Step 9, such as your sponsor, may be able to help you choose a meaningful way to make indirect amends. Some people will be easier than others to approach due to the relationship you have with them, how close you live to them, or other factors. In some situations, attempting

What Are Living Amends? And How Do You Make Them? Cake Blog Cake: Create a Free End of Life Plan Read More »

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